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Tag: EU

Why Britain Joined the EU Back in 1973

EU Wants to Charge Social Security Taxes on Robots As If They Were People

Japan’s Toshiba 6502.T robot has taken on human form and visitors to the world’s biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot. Under...

BREXIT is Only “Advisory” & Cameron Can Still Ignore the People

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; If BREXIT wins here since everyone I speak to seems to want to vote out rather than stay in, what would really happen? ANSWER: Assuming the...

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous...

The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German....

The EU Going Quietly into the Light?

Our long-term projection models targeted March 13/14, 2016 for when the confidence in the EU would begin to crack much more profoundly among the average community....

Collapse of the EU – Is it Inevitable?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The World Economic Conference was outstanding. Your theme that Europe was the focal point for the coming chaos has been proven valid with...

BREXIT Reality or a Manipulated Outcome?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, London 23rd Feb, it is very sad, I cannot find one main stream news outlet that is backing a Brexit. They are all preaching fear, even Boris...

EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain...

Poland’s Euroskeptic Conservatives Move to End Brussel’s Control of the Press

  Last October, Poland’s opposition Law and Justice Party won the election with 37.6% of the vote, which was enough for it to govern alone. Law and...