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Tag: EU

EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain...

Poland’s Euroskeptic Conservatives Move to End Brussel’s Control of the Press

  Last October, Poland’s opposition Law and Justice Party won the election with 37.6% of the vote, which was enough for it to govern alone. Law and...

Poland's Euroskeptic Conservatives Move to End Brussel's Control of the Press

Last October, Poland’s opposition Law and Justice Party won the election with 37.6% of the vote, which was enough for it to govern alone. Law and Justice is...

Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents?

There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls...

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely...

EU Destroying Olive Trees Without Evidence?

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong! Thank you for all that you do in keeping me sane by making sense of certain things that I can not seem to comprehend. Here’s one...

EU Using the Refugees to Federalize Europe

Europe is failing. They have been pressing down upon the neck of Europe with more undemocratic authoritarian measures to maintain their jobs in Brussels. What...

Why Europe Will Collapse: Schultz's Outrage at Poland

A huge protest against the Europe Union has taken place in Poland. When I was there, everyone I spoke to was against joining the euro. They all said that the euro...

Le Pen Vows: “Nothing Can Stop Us”

Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) Party did not win the Sunday elections. She replied: “Nothing can stop us.” Indeed, the cyclical trend in politics...

France Exempting Itself from all EU Rules

Do politicians ever really care about society? President Hollande wants to change the French Constitution, but he also wants to extend the state of emergency...