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Tag: executive orders

Biden’s Dictatorship – Why Executive Orders are Unconstitutional

These are just a few of the onslaught of Executive Orders Bidens signed within hours of entering the White House. He not only opened the border to the flood of...

Biden Adopts the Same Strategy as Hitler to Cancel Free Speech

Every dictatorship throughout history established a propaganda arm which they have typically called variations of the “Ministry of Truth.” The Russian USSR...

Executive Orders and Presidential Tyranny

Some may remember the original Schoolhouse Rock jingle, “I’m Just a Bill.” While the original explanation was difficult for children to...

Why Biden’s First Executive Order was Illegal

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have been silent about the border crisis that Biden seems to have created while blaming Trump claiming the people were already on their...

Who is Really President?

The latest polls show that 47% of Americans believe that others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. I would honestly say it is more like 85%. People...

Congress is Deeply Divided & it’s Not Repairable

  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is refusing to work with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas after he tweeted a signal that the two of them could work together...