Tag: Facebook
FactCheck.org is a Fraud & Possible Criminal Organization
June 18, 2021
It turns out that not only do they engage in FAKE NEWS, but they employ the internet in every possible way to falsely deprive the people of the truth. Wikipedia is...
Corruption Rule of LawUganda Blocks Facebook – They Should Not Say Who Can Be Heard of Not in Our Country
January 15, 2021
The tyranny unleashed by Facebook, Google, and Twitter is unimaginable. What right do they have to censor people around the world and block anyone with whom...
BigTech TyrannyUS Constitution Violates Facebook Guidelines which were Inspired by Lenin
December 26, 2020
CensorshipGovernments Ask Facebook to Create a Backdoor to See What you Say
October 23, 2019
According to the Guardian, the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are looking to pressure Facebook to create a backdoor into its encrypted messaging apps....
TechnologyFacebook Shuts Down its AI System
August 1, 2017
A lot of people are using the issue that Facebook shut down its AI system when it began to create its own language as a short-cut in communication between two bots....
AI ComputersMainstream Media is Dying — Facebook Recognizes Trend
July 6, 2016
Mainstream media is dying. Their biased coverage of the election will go down in history. Facebook’s latest announcement demonstrates how the younger...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election USA Current EventsHow to Create A Fairer System
October 21, 2015
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I am an avid fan of your site and thoroughly enjoy your posts. As much as I am against tax, would you not agree it’s rather sick...
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