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Tag: Fake News

The Most Chilling Quote In American History?

CNN is simply a propaganda tool of the deep state. They ignore all the facts and feed the people a 24/7 news loop of lies. A reporter recently said that Trump’s...

Trump Sues CNN

Former President Trump has filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN. It is of no surprise that the network repeatedly bashed the president before, during, and after...

Twitter Bots Exposed

Elon Musk’s potential Twitter takeover has brought to light the alarming amount of fake internet accounts on the platform that has been used to push the liberal...

Biden Wages War on Free Speech

“The extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all,” Elon Musk tweeted days after purchasing Twitter. Musk has long been a proponent for...

Distrust is the Default

Public confidence has plummeted. People across the world have lost faith in their governments, economy, and overall futures. The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer...

The Dismal Track Record of the Press

COMMENT: Hi Martin – thank you to you and your team for all your good work. Canadians have held a high level of respect for our government. It is so...

Russia-Ukraine War Propaganda Exposed

Kim Iversen from “The Hill” breaks down what’s true and what’s false about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Using images of past wars to...

Hackers Join the War Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people...

Flashback: Fauci Spreading False Information on AIDS

Here is a flashback of Dr. Anthony Fauci spreading false information about AIDS transmission. Fauci claimed that people could become infected by simply being near...

Herd Immunity to Fear

The CDC and NIH refuse to recognize the important role that herd immunity could play in combating COVID. Yet, one thing that they failed to consider was herd...