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Tag: Fake News

Herd Immunity to Fear

The CDC and NIH refuse to recognize the important role that herd immunity could play in combating COVID. Yet, one thing that they failed to consider was herd...

CDC Director Walensky Struggles to Cover Sotomayor’s Lies

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a woman sitting at the top of America’s legal system, outright lied to the public by inflating COVID numbers. “We have...

Western Social Media v Chinese Communist Party Media

A reader sent this image in and asked me to spot the differences. A few independent news sources remain in America, but they are not part of what we consider the...

Hong Kong Banishes All Independent News Outlets

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has completely surrendered to Beijing after condoning the shutdown of Hong Kong’s last independent news outlet. Hong Kong police...

Brought to You By Pfizer

Big Pharma’s reach is more extensive than most understand. The video above shows some of Pfizer’s many sponsorships, a subtle nod to the billions of...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 3)

The complaint filed with the International Criminal Court continues to provide a broad-picture view of the various ways governments have used the coronavirus to...

Turn off the TV

  An image is circulating online that shows how the mainstream media has garnered viewers over the past 20 years. The three pillars of rhetoric are logos...

Bill Gates Handed Media $319 Million to Support his Agenda?

People are starting to look at perhaps the most devious billionaire in history, far surpassing Rockefeller. Bill Gates has shelled out over $300 million to buy the...

YouTube Removes Dislike Count to Protect White House

YouTube announced it is removing the public “dislike” button count from their website, coincidentally, following a slew of dislikes on Biden...

Joe Rogan Forces Truth Out of Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Ivermectin is NOT Veterinary Medicine

“You know that they know they’re lying,” Joe Rogan told CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. “Don’t you think that a lie like that is...