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Tag: Fake News

Will the World Ever Be the Same Again?

Everywhere we look, all our civil rights, human rights, and freedom of speech have been under assault and are not likely to return the way they were before the...

Why is the Media Undermining the Country?

  It is very curious as to why the media has become so anti-Trump to the point that they are jeopardizing our civil liberties. If he opens up the economy, they...

The Fake News – Interesting Review of Who is Who

Fake News & Coronavirus Panic – The Press Must Be Held Accountable!

The Coronavirus Panic has been caused by FAKE NEWS and the press MUST be held accountable. The press is acting irresponsibly and has turned this virus into a major...

Fake News – Coronavirus & the Dow

COMMENT #1: Marty, you are the only person who tells the truth in markets. If the coronavirus is spreading everywhere outside the USA, then why is money fleeing...

Wikipedia: Fake News & Propaganda – A Tool of the Deep State?

Wikipedia is a professional propaganda organization that allows fake news and outright illegal propaganda to dominate the internet. Most schools no longer accept...

Eric Holder Covering His Ass & The Obama Administration’s Investigation of Trump

Former US Attorney General, Eric Holder, had the audacity to write in the highly partisan Washington Post with the headline: “William Barr is unfit to be...

Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top...

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that...

Trump was Right – Baltimore is a Disaster

Trump’s comments on Baltimore naturally led to the press saying he wrongly insulted Baltimore. What is interesting is that the Daily Mail from London did its...