Tag: Family
Schwab’s Admiration for Lenin
February 15, 2022
I can verify that this photo going around of Schwab with a statue of Lenin on his bookshelf is genuine. He really does have that in his office. This is based upon...
WEFSocialism – Family Structure – Gold – Food
April 7, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you said that socialism is collapsing and the West is most vulnerable because it changed the social structure and the family unit. Spanish...
Basic Concepts EconomicsSocialism Has Destroyed the Social Structure
September 2, 2016
Once upon a time, couples would have three to five children for that was their retirement. Family was everything. Then came Marx who effectively replaced the...
America's Economic History Europe's Economic History Politics Sovereign Debt CrisisHow Socialism Destroyed the Family Structure
August 30, 2016
The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was...
Armstrong Economics 101 Rule of LawThere is No Sanctity of Family Recognized by Law
June 27, 2015
COMMENT: Thank you. I never look at the fact that you need government approval to even get married. This shows indeed how much they have altered society....
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