Tag: Fifth Amendment
Mar-A-Lago v Hunter Biden Art
February 23, 2024
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Georges Bergès Gallery (@georgesbergesgallery) As a reminder, the United States has two tiers of justice and the...
CorruptionUS Govt Targets Private Enterprise – Eminent Domain – Private Property and Patents at Risk
February 21, 2024
A recent measure from the Biden Administration touted as a solution to lower prescription drug costs has a more sinister motive. The Bayh–Dole Act or Patent and...
WEF TyrannyThe Trump Florida Indictment Violates the Constitution
August 15, 2023
QUESTION: What is your legal opinion of former AG Barr and this judge in Florida? Barr seems to trash Trump with every breath he takes, and the media seems to...
Rule of LawUsing Offshore & Private Contractors To Commit Illegal Acts
August 18, 2020
QUESTION: Marty; Do you have an opinion of Millie Weaver’s Shadow Gate? Infowars has an exaggerated position in many areas. Would you care to comment on this...
ConspiracyWhy a Judge Ruled the Police Have NO DUTY to Protect Citizens
February 22, 2019
I have received a number of questions asking how the judge in the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, ruled that the...
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