Tag: Finland
NATO Promotes WW3 with Finland’s Membership
April 5, 2023
Finland has officially become the 31st member of NATO. “Finland has today become a member of the defense alliance NATO. The era of military non-alignment in...
WarUS to Manage Norway’s Defenses
November 11, 2022
A contact from Norway shared this article, as the topic has not been discussed in the US media. NATO is forming a world army, as we have seen with troops being sent...
WarRepublicans Fail to Reject NATO Expansion
July 21, 2022
We spend too much on the military, but we should give all our money to Ukraine. Make it make sense! Sweden and Finland made their grand debut in NATO this week. The...
WarFinland Bans Moderna Vaccine for Men Under 30 – More Corruption
October 11, 2021
It is no longer a question of anti-vax vs. vax. We are engulfed in the most politically corrupt era in government that Big Pharma has bought its way into...
VaccineFinland Referendum Forces Debate on Euro Exit
November 18, 2015
Even traditional economists are now waking up to the downside of the euro. The euro was supposed to promote European harmony by eliminating costly currency...
European UnionObservation from Finland
August 16, 2015
COMMENT: Hey Martin. I really appreciate what you are doing for everybody by writing your blog. I make sure that I never miss anything that you write. I’m...
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