Tag: food crisis
Sri Lanka’s Economy Completely Collapsed
July 12, 2022
Protestors swarmed President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s palace in Sri Lanka, forcing him to flee and step down. The entire government in Sri Lanka will be restructured....
TyrannyPlastic Bag Ban
May 4, 2022
COMMENT: The grocers near me have banned plastic bags. Off timing. Grocery bills are more than I’ve ever seen ..ever. I wont buy as much if theres a few bags...
ClimateWalgreens Rationing Baby Formula
April 14, 2022
Walgreens announced that it has begun to ration baby formula amid the supply chain crisis. The rule will go into effect for all 9,021 locations. Customers may only...
North AmericaThe Model on War & Food Shortages
March 8, 2022
During a war, food production collapses because tanks have a tendency to plow down crops. Here is a food ratio book from World War II in the United States where...
Agriculture WarWinter Weather Exacerbates Supply Chain Crisis
January 6, 2022
Comment: This is a Whole Foods in a high to middle income suburb in the northeast on January 4, 2022. I live near numerous ports from NJ, PA, to NY. I have lived...
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