Tag: Forecast
Crude — What Lies Beneath $30 & Where Will Resistance Stand Here After?
January 19, 2016
The fear has been that Iran will start dumping oil now that the sanctions have been lifted. Thus, crude has been falling out of bed in a nightmare scenario. The...
UncategorizedShanghai Today — January 11, 2016 (Open)
January 10, 2016
Japan is closed today, but the selling has begun in New Zealand and Australia. We have an opportunity for today to form the initial low for right now. This suggests...
UncategorizedUsing Reversals
January 9, 2016
S&P500 Futures QUESTION: Hi ! … In assessing a Sling Shot Move vs Phase Transition, you mentioned that “The key will be decided by the Monthly...
UncategorizedDOW & the Decline
January 7, 2016
The U.S. share market has fallen following the problems in China. We elected the Daily Bearish Reversal at the 16933 level and this warned of a test of the next...
UncategorizedAmerican Pharoah – First Triple Crown Winner Since 1978 on a 8.6 Frequency
June 6, 2015
Believe it or not, I was at a family gathering and overheard some relatives discussing the Triple Crown. They said no one had won since 1978. I did the wave math in...
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