China Banking Crisis & the Unsuspecting World
July 22, 2022
While authorities have accused a private financial group of misleading members of the public with promises of high-return wealth management products, what is not...
Interest Rates Sovereign Debt Crisis World TradeUS Dollar Index – Is it Valid?
August 5, 2020
QUESTION: You said the Dollar Index is not valid because it was based on trade 30 years ago. I seem to recall you had your own index. Would you explain the...
USD $Trying to Overthrow the Dollar
November 7, 2019
QUESTION: Marty, you said at the conference the efforts to overthrow the dollar as the reserve currency have failed and it will take the Monetary Crisis Cycle to...
USD $Forex Trading into 2021
October 14, 2019
QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been following you for about 5 years now and have been to 2 WECs. At the beginning of last year, I ventured into the forex markets with...
Foreign ExchangeCurrency Risk – The Great Unknown That Brings Down Governments
July 16, 2018
QUESTION: Hi, I am not sure if I understand how it would work but obviously, this is highly hypothetical today. If the reserve currency is SDR, we still need debt...
Foreign ExchangeChina Shuts Down FOREX at Foreign Banks to Try to Stop Dollar Rise
December 30, 2015
China has suspended FOREX business at three main foreign banks for the first quarter of 2016 in an effort to curb the outflow of capital into the rising dollar....
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