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Tag: fossil fuels

Gas Stove Warning Labels

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be...

EU Proposes New Climate Target for 2040

The European Union is leading the climate change psyop and releasing recommendations that are completely unattainable and unnecessary. Brussels would now like to...

Winter Woes – Green New Deal Turns Deadly

Over 150 million Americans are under a winter chill advisory due to life-threatening temperatures. Every state besides Hawaii has issued some form of caution to...

Big Oil v. California

Chevron can no longer remain profitable in California, where politicians fail to understand the impact of reducing fossil fuels without a reliable alternative. The...

1540 Experts Agree There Is No Climate Emergency

There is no climate emergency. As I have been saying for years, the climate change agenda to end fossil fuels is merely a fraudulent cause intended to gain power....

Let Them Drive EVs

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is targeting gas vehicles in an attempt to reduce emissions. Their goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 10 billion tons...

The Incredible Transition

According to politicians around the world, the Great Unwashed plebians should be grateful for the energy crisis. President Joe Biden recently declared that America...

EU Internal Battle = Separatist

  The sanction imposed on Russia is an economic version of a nuclear war spearheaded by the United States without any consideration whatsoever. The United...

Energy Crisis Hitting for the Winters of 2021 and 2022

The greatest problem I have is that those in power are evolving to the lowest possible denomination. Thirty years ago, I would have intelligent conversations with...

The Foolishness of Shifting to Renewables

Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline from Alberta, but what people do not realize is the environmentalists are out for blood. They are pushing to shut down...