Tag: Fourth Amendment
Ford Files Patent to Spy on Drivers
September 18, 2024
Governments are pushing the public to switch to smart vehicles to reduce fossil fuel consumption, but there is also a second motive – surveillance. This...
Police StateThe Government is Tracking You
July 20, 2022
Yes, the government is tracking your movements. You do not need to have a COVID pass installed on your phone nor do you need to be a criminal. The location data...
Corruption TechnologyBiden Declares the Constitution is NOT Absolute Ensuring Revolution
April 9, 2021
Biden has targeted guns with the end goal to disarm America entirely. He has stated: “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” The real objective is to...
Rule of LawThe Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution
March 26, 2021
I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns, they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration...
Rule of LawHunt for Taxes & Illegally Searching Your Phone & Laptop at the Border
December 11, 2019
The US border guards have been illegally searching laptops and phones for anything that might lead to hidden money. A Federal Court in Boston has ruled warrantless...
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