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Tag: France

Left in France Adopts Biden’s Tactics – Criminally Charging LePen

POLITICO has reported that the Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that they have launched a criminal investigation after a preliminary inquiry. The...

The 10 Bn Euro Paris Olympics Disaster

We’re fast approaching. ? The Olympic Rings are on the Eiffel Tower. @Paris2024, let’s do this! — The Olympic Games (@Olympics)...

The French Revolutions – How Many Have There Been?

QUESTION: I am wondering about the French Revolution. Was it the first, or is history here also cyclical, and there have been revolutions in France earlier and...

Farmers Descend on Paris

Farmers throughout the world have been protesting the increasing regulations on agriculture. The media is barely covering the story, and when they do mention it,...

Biden: If There Were Not An Israel We’d Have to Invent One

For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel,...

Migrants Responsible for 69% of Violent Crime in France

The migrants are more than an economic drain on society. These unaccompanied men with questionable morals are more prone to commit crimes. Forget being politically...

Le Pen Criticizes Meloni – Encourages France to Leave NATO

“I’m not Meloni’s twin sister, I remain faithful to Salvini,” French politician Marine Le Pen said in regard to the Italian PM. Le Pen...

French Protestors Target BlackRock

  @ ♬ – The pension reform protests in France grew to new proportions. Protesters have not allowed the government to silence them. On Thursday, over...

Criticizing Government Leaders is now a Crime #MacronOrdure

Free speech no longer exists. People are now scared to speak out against their government as if they were in the old USSR. Emmanuel Macron is an absolute tyrant and...

Civil Unrest Growing in France

Protests are appearing across France as people are demanding changes. I must say, I do respect the French for always taking to the streets when their politicians...