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The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a...
Merkel and Macron, two politicians who cannot muster even a majority of their people for support, signed a Franco-German friendship treaty which has allowed them to...
Corsica is known for its illustrious contribution to politics — Napoleon Bonaparte. The winner of the Sunday election, Gilles Simeoni, is quite different. He...
Germany and France have conspired to tax citizens who rent their houses after the German election. Germany and France are scheming to submit a joint proposal on...
The new French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed reducing the size of the French parliament by one third. He is intent upon surrendering the sovereignty of...
The French President Emmanuel Macron will break with the long-standing tradition of the President making a speech on Bastille Day to celebrate winning independence....
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I had the wonderful experience of flying to France to see my son going to school there. Upon my arrival, I was immediately commandeered by...
The democratic decision-making process is actually dreaded by many politicians as too much work. The EU structure was clearly established to make sure that those...
Emmanuel Macron has shown just how inexperienced he is when it comes to international trade. Both Berlin and Brussels have rejected Macron’s central platform...