Tag: Germany
Germany Seeks Independence from the USA
February 26, 2025
Friedrich Merz, the leader of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and perhaps the new chancellor of Deutschland has a message for America –...
Germany European UnionGermany’s AfD Calls for “Remigration”
January 28, 2025
Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Party is prepared to break with the European Union’s policy of open borders and implement a mass deportation...
GermanyGermany Considers Banning AfD Party
January 23, 2025
Democracy has no place in the European Union. Brussels has complete control and each nation must present a puppet leader who adheres to the EU agenda. We saw it in...
European Union IMFChina Eyes Vacant VW Factories
January 21, 2025
Germany’s failing auto sector may prove to be an integral power play for China, as Chinese OEMs are eyeing soon-to-be vacant Volkswagen (VW) factories. Volkswagen...
World Trade European Union IMFPolls Against Scholz
January 10, 2025
The next German election will be held on February 23, and if recent polls are of any indication, Chancellor Olaf Scholz may be out of work. The Social Democrats...
European Union PoliticsGermany Lets Economy Plunge to Meet Climate Change Goals
January 8, 2025
Germany is on track to meet its climate change initiatives at the expense of its economy. To look at the overall health of the European Union, we may look directly...
Climate European UnionSyrian Refugees Refuse to Leave Europe
December 19, 2024
The war is over and it is safe for Syrian refugees to return home. Assad is no longer a threat and nations like Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, UK, France, Italy,...
European UnionVolkswagen Protests Heat Up
December 13, 2024
Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume was booed by a crowd of 20,000 employees after stating that the company is not “operating in a fantasy world.” The company...
Germany Climate European Union IMFWomen Prohibited From Self-Defense in Germany?
December 11, 2024
The migrant crisis in Europe is far worse than the mainstream media will let on. It began in 2015 when then Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the door to Syrian...
GermanyVolkswagen Protests – The Contagion Begins
December 6, 2024
Tens of thousands of Volkswagen employees have halted production to protest proposed pay cuts. The German automaker has stated it will need to close three...
Climate European Union IMFBlog Alerts
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