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Tag: Germany

Trump Warned NATO of Europe’s Reliance on Russian Energy

Everyone criticized Trump for condemning his NATO allies in 2018. At the time, only five nations were meeting their 2% GDP spending requirement on NATO defense,...

Greenpeace to Take Over Environment & Secretary of State for Germany

Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in...

Stralsund Police Placed on Santa’s Naughty List

A video has gone viral of German police officers arresting Santa Claus at a Christmas market in Stralsund. At the same time, around 65 people had gathered at the...

Germany Implements Full Lockdown for the Unvaccinated

Germany has effectively banished unvaccinated people from participating in society. On Thursday, Führer Merkel announced that unvaccinated people must shield...

Germany Caught in a Power Vacuum

  Since the new government will not be officially sworn in until next week, Germany currently has no political leadership capable of taking action. Angela...

Energy Crisis Hitting for the Winters of 2021 and 2022

The greatest problem I have is that those in power are evolving to the lowest possible denomination. Thirty years ago, I would have intelligent conversations with...

SPD Promising Freedom in Germany

Olaf Scholz, who may become the next chancellor of Germany, won with just about 27% of the vote. He has said he will rule out a return to lockdown as the government...

Germany & Desperately Needed Political Reform

The German elections are today, and once more, like Canada, we will see a political outcome that reflects a very flawed political system. There are so many parties,...

Mainstream Starting to Apologize for Propaganda

  Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of BILD, which is one of the largest newspapers in Germany, has reversed policy and apologized to the children of...

Fleeing to the Dollar because of the Delta Variant?

In Germany, they have now determined that 40% of all cash in the system is currently being hoarded. The German press, DWN, is also reporting that “Because of...