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Tag: Germany

Germany Moves Ahead with Nord Stream II

EU lawyers have sided with Germany and effectively told the European Commission that their bid to regulate a new Russia-Germany gas pipeline known as- Nord Stream 2...

Italy’s Experience With Pre-Pay VAT Was Devastating

COMMENT: Re:  Germany To Tax VAT Just Billing People Before they Pay Please note in Italy we had the same = pay VAT to the government before collecting it from...

Germany & France to Tax Online People Renting Their Houses

Germany and France have conspired to tax citizens who rent their houses after the German election. Germany and France are scheming to submit a joint proposal on...

German Diesel Summit Moved for Security Reasons

The German Diesel Summit was moved because of protests in the Federal Ministry of the Interior from the Ministry of Transport for security reasons....

Erdogan moving Turkey Closer to Dictatorship

Germany is now pushing the EU towards a much more tougher policy in its relations with Turkey as Erdogan moves the country even closer to a full-blown...

Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro

The scandal at Volkswagen AG over the diesel which began on September 18th, 2015, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of...

The Destruction of Hamburg is Massive

The destruction of Hamburg has been massive as photographed by DWN. There is much going on behind the scenes politically with the focus now on intensely monitoring...

Germany Pensions System Crisis

The German publication DWN has come out and warned that the German Pensions system is collapsing. They wrote: The core problem of the German economy and society is...

Merkel’s Failed G20 Summit

Merkel chaired the G20 summit and she completely and utterly failed to lead G20 to a successful conclusion. Well of course, Merkel lost control of the streets of...

German Secretary Economics Warns Low Interest Rates Have Failed

The German Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger,  has highlighted the growing economic crisis in Europe. The negative interest...