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Tag: Global Cooling

Lenox Air Conditioner Manufacturer Cites Colder Temperatures for Decline in Sales

Despite all the global warming advocates, the air conditioner manufacturer Lenox came in well below Wall Street’s expectations, which were based on the claims...

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They...

Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?

QUESTION #1: You expect global cooling due to the decrease in solar energy. Why do glaciers melt? MG QUESTION #2: Now that the Greenland Glacier is growing, is this...

The Grapes of Wrath – How to Keep Them Warm

The Winter that Will Not End is impacting even northern Italy. In Tuscany, winemakers have lit hundreds of torches to keep their grapes warm during this cold period...

The Winter that Will Not End

This is the winter that does not want to leave. It is still raining and snowing in California, even in May, as reported by the LA Times. We are experiencing a long...

Global Warming Hits London

It actually snowed in London this past April. Heavy snow caused sheer chaos across much of the UK.  The snow and hail even hit London where it rarely ever...

Aurora Borealis Warning the Climate May Turn Sharply Colder into 2032

There may actually be a confirmation that we are heading into a much colder climate. The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, can now be seen in the...

Climate Change: Real – Fake – Exaggerated?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you are against human-induced global warming yet you confirm that climate change is natural. You seem to be in the middle of...

2019 is Breaking All Records for Cold – The Real Threat is a Global Freeze

QUESTION: Global cooling….you talk a lot about global cooling in the colder winter this year. But what effect does it have on the future summer temperatures...

Is this the Coldest Winter in 83 years?

Vancouver, where it rarely snows, has had five snow storms this year. It has even been reported that snow has fallen in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Now that is an...