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Tag: Global Warming

Is God Dead?

COMMENT: Marty, Happy New Year and thanks for your work. It appears to me that climate change has gone past the point of no return with the Fed now targeting...

It’s Al Gore Destroying your Future – His Manipulation of the World Opinion

In the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek, they actually proposed solutions for climate change that included outlawing internal combustion engines. The interesting...

CO2 = 0.04% of the Atmosphere – It’s All Propaganda for Socialism

COMMENT: If all of these scientists claim that CO2 will fry us in a few years, how can you argue against this 97%? WJ ANSWER: You are buying into an agenda that is...

Oppressing Climate Dissent & COVID-19 Dissent

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a regular reader of your blog from Poland and I highly value your opinions that spring from exceptional intelligence and...

Coronavirus Panic

The US Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams has issued an order to Americans worried about the coronavirus. “Seriously people—STOP BUYING MASKS!” tweeted Dr....

Carbon Tax Will Lead to Bloodshed & Revolution

New York Time Map of Carbon Taxes In Germany, the excuse to help save the planet is always about adding more taxes to punish the people for just living. Already,...

The Greenhouse Effect Can Lead to Global Cooling

There is a new study out that actually is starting to understand cycles. Climate experts have discovered that there is a natural feedback loop that creates the...

Students Demand University Disinvest in Fossil Fuel Related Companies – School Offers to Turn off the Heat

Students at St John’s College at Oxford University were protesting that the university now disinvest from anything related to fossil fuel. Professor Andrew...

Punxsutawney Phil’s Groundhog Weather Predictions Beats UN’s Climate Change Forecasts

  QUESTION: have you ever tested Punxsutawney Phil‘s predictions of spring with your forecasts? how often was he correct? TT REPLY: The Punxsutawney...

Chaotic Weather

QUESTION: Marty; the weather is becoming as chaotic as the markets. We have one day heat in Antarctica and then snow in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad. Is this part of...