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Tag: Global Warming

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist....

When will Niagara Falls Completely Freeze?

It has been a bitterly cold season. Niagara Falls became a winter wonderland as frigid temperatures cause the falls partially to turn to ice. This is not so rare...

The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords

There is an undertone lurking behind the rise of Donald Trump in the US, the Brexiteers in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, political re-alignments in Denmark, and...

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner...

Underwater Volcanoes Contribute to Warming Deep Water

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Maya Report and found it fascinating how volcanic eruptions in the ocean are polarized to where the North Pole is at...

Dormant/Extinct Volcano Erupts for First Time in Recorded History

Another dormant volcano has suddenly awakened erupting in a rather spectacular fashion, spewing lava for the first time in known history. It sent an ash cloud 2.1...

Climate Change – Earthquakes Caused by Complex Cycles (Part I)

Several people have asked why I could not confirm or deny that the cause of earthquakes is the slowing down of the Earth’s rotation. As previously reported,...

Global Cooling is Killing Penguins – Not Global Warming

Contrary to Global Warming, the reality of what is going on is serious and these fake scientists have distorted the cyclical nature of our world for personal gain...

Oyster, Clams & Mussels Produce Massive Global Warming Gas

  Well, you can help save the planet by eating more oysters, clams, and mussels since it has been discovered that they produce 8 times more global warming...

Politicians Start to Run Away from Global Warming

Politicians have been confronted with the real cost of their support for global warming. France has suddenly come out in support of diesel because of the jobs that...