Tag: Google
Google’s Biased Search Engine Exposed – Can They Be Trusted Anymore?
November 29, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s ties to Google, CNN, PBS, and The New York Times illustrate the conspiracy among these organization who tried to help Hillary be crowned...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election USA Current EventsX-ray Eyes: Coming to a Store Near You
May 5, 2016
Are you ready for this one? Google was approved for a patent where they can remove the lenses in your eye, fill it with fluid, and then place a device in there....
TechnologyHillary’s Very Disturbing Emails Show Link to Google
March 21, 2016
Hillary’s emails revealed that Google was involved in trying to overthrow Assad. Hillary was communicating with Google and asking them to assist in the...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionPolice Pull Over Google Car But No Driver to Ticket
November 16, 2015
The Google car was pulled over in California for driving too slow. When the police realized that there was no driver, they were stumped since no driver means no...
The Hunt for TaxesApple Battles Govt. Over Bypassing Encryption
October 22, 2015
The drive in government to eliminate encryption so that they can track everyone’s money is creating a firestorm. Google and Apple are starting to fight back...
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