Fed Chairman Jerome Powell essentially said he was unimpressed by the “strong” jobs report, and it certainly was not enough for the central bank to even...
California’s homeless crisis proves the public sector is a welfare program and political tool. The California State Auditor released a report this month...
The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing...
A new billboard launched in New York City’s Times Square is sounding the alarm on America’s growing national debt crisis. “Scared of the national debt? You...
A study by Truth in Accounting (TIA) revealed that 70% of America’s largest cities fell into a deficit in fiscal year 2022. Out of the 75 cities studied, 53...
Washington has been compromised by a foreign global power. Protecting America is not a priority, in fact, abolishing America seems to be the priority for our...
Everyone wants to know what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024. Of course, people want to believe that the Fed will slash interest rates in the New Year. The...
Government officials do not understand why Americans are disappointed with Bidenomics. Biden’s own team did not realize the term “Bidenomics” was intended to...
Government mismanagement comes at a high cost. We saw Argentina’s new president slash half of the useless federal administrations this week on his first day in...
Janet Yellen never has anything of value to say, but she is the US Treasury Secretary and a mouthpiece for the globalists. Janet Yellen believes that Europe needs...