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Tag: Great Reset

The End of Britain?

COMMENT: Marty, Each day that passes the picture becomes more clear….. In this case, Britain stating that workers will get 80% of wages paid during the...

The Insanity of This Election

  The Democrats have turned up the hatred against Republicans to new heights. They are demonizing Trump and constantly alleging he was falsely elected, and...

Archbishop Vigano warns Trump of Great Reset is to Destroy our Freedom

Archbishop Vigano has sent an open letter to President Trump in which he stated plainly that this is a “global conspiracy against God and humanity.”...

Germany Preparing to Postpone the 2021 Elections Already

  COMMENT: Dear Marty, as you already know the german federal parliament is called “Deutscher Bundestag“. The parliament has an institution called...

Is Europe Deliberately Crushing their Economy for the Great Reset?

COMMENT #1 (France): What the hell is going on?! This is so frustrating. I want, no, NEED someone to shed some real, unbiased light on this. Do you have some...

What Klaus Schwab’s World Really Looks Like

  The destruction of small businesses is just insane. I would expect this if we were faced with a real disease with 20% of the population dying. The death rate...

Fauci – Truth – Coming Tyranny

There is a lot of disinformation running around concerning COVID-19. There is a virus, that is for sure. It was not a biological weapon, for the kill ratio is way...

The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they...

Klaus Schwab & His Great Reset – Unrealistic Academic Proposal as Dangerous as Marxism

Klaus Schwab needs to answer why the World Economic Forum sold all its stocks and bonds ahead of everyone else. Schwab has exploited this virus within weeks,...

Yan & Wuhan Lab – Who Leaked What?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your comment on Dr. Yan and her assertion that this virus was created in the Wuhan Lab. She fled Hong Kong to the United...