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Tag: Great Reset

How to Gain Control Over the Most Intelligent Species on the Planet (video)

WEF Seeks to End Private Car Ownership by 2050

“Goodbye car ownership, hello clean air: welcome to the future of transport,” the WEF published on its website back in December 2016. The first step is to...

Summer Davos 2023

Over 1,500 “global leaders” from 90 countries met in North China’s Tianjin municipality for the World Economic Forum’s Summer Davos. Chinese Premier Li...

WEF Lobbied Dutch Government to Push Great Reset

I reported that the Dutch government funded several studies that promoted major institutions buying land for rental units. I wrote that the government wanted to...

New Yorkers: Give Us Pizza or Give Us Death

“Give us pizza or give us death,” the restaurant owner in the video above chanted while throwing pizza slices at City Hall. You have to love a New Yorker’s...

UKRAINE RECONSTRUCTION BANK – BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase Own Ukraine

Zelensky has sold out Ukraine to JPMorgan and BlackRock. While everyone was distracted with trivial news stories, BlackRock and JPMorgan partnered with the...

Fingerprint Cards AB – One BIG Step Closer to Digital IDs

The World Economic Forum (WEF) quietly partnered with Fingerprint Cards AB, the world’s leading biometrics company. The WEF has been discussing combining...

The US Govt Seizing Farmland under Eminent Domain

The US government is seizing farmland in South Dakota and no one is discussing it. Summit Carbon Solutions is building a pipeline through northeast South Dakota...

Accessory Dwelling Units Grow in Popularity

The push for the 15-minute city is underway. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming increasingly popular as cities across the globe are rezoning neighborhoods...

George Soros Hands Power to “More Political” Son Alex

Billionaire George Soros, 92, announced that he is stepping down and passing the reins of power to his 37-year-old son, Alex. The Open Society Foundations founder...