Alexis Tsipras has to implement pension reform in order to get more loans from Brussels. He is betraying everything the Greek people voted for and is pushing Greece...
Alexis Tsipras hailed a victory for his left-wing Syriza party after winning a second general election in less than 9 months. However, the many Greeks I have met...
I am here in Parliament Square in Athens for the elections. I have been talking to a lot of people and it is really fascinating. When I ask, “Why are you voting...
I am here in Athens for the elections this weekend. I must state, at this point in the game it appears to be Greek theater with Brussels pulling the strings and the...
The Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) decided on Wednesday not to participate in the next credit-round for Greece. The Board denied new loans to...
According to a media report from the French website Radio Cockpit, a Greek military pilot Major Homer Sipostopulos, flew his F-16 jet and landed in the Turkish...
It is sad to see many Greeks now really disliking the Germans. They are bringing the differences back all because politicians CANNOT admit they screwed up the...
Nigel Farage may be the only practical politician these days because he came from the trading sector. He explains the Euro-Project and its failures. He makes it...
Even the IMF has come out now to warn that Greece may need a complete debt write-off. This is sending an economic earthquake through Europe, for it undermines the...
The story of a possible lawsuit against Goldman Sachs over hiding Greek debt is starting to make the press. We do most certainly live in interesting times. The...