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Tag: Greece

Greece & Its Banks

Any hope that Greece will now negotiate with its creditors should help to hold the euro for now. But keep in mind that Brussels has still not changed its mind or...

Greece Shuts Down Access to Safe Deposit Boxes

COMMENT: Hello Martin, A few minutes ago the deputy Minister of Finance Mrs Olga Valavani said safe deposit boxes will be reserved! Bank officials denied this...

Greece’s First Mistake

Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister, quit because he personally clashed with other finance ministers, whom are clueless. I have listened to Varoufakis...

Greece & Brussels’ Quest to Dominate Europe

QUESTION: Marty, I want to say congratulations. You stood up there in Berlin in 2012 and said the Euro-Swiss peg would break and that Greece would ultimately leave...

A Letter to the FT From a 21-Year-Old Greek

The cold-hearted bastards who want to rule the world should just for once realize it is not all about them. This is part of letter to the FT. We are plagued by...

IMF Numbers Warn the Troika Has Destroyed the Greek Economy

The IMF on Thursday issued its own analysis on the Greek economy. The new debt forecast numbers have been raised in recent months and while the IMF analysis is...

It Begins – Austrian Voters Sign Petition to Exit EU Forcing Parliamentary Debate

It has already begun. The total mismanagement of Euroland and the utter failure to understand what the German hyperinflation was all about has led to the...

Troika Maneuvering to Rig Greek Referendum

In a TV interview, Mr. Varoufakis said very clearly, “This is a very dark moment for Europe. They have closed our banks for the sole purpose of blackmailing...

Greek Crisis Fails to Stimulate Gold

Despite the greatest political crisis in Europe, there has been “no love for gold” according to CNBC. Indeed, this crisis does in fact warn that all...