Tag: health care
Big Pharma Lobbying
February 3, 2025
Medical insurance and pharmaceutical companies are predatory. The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is health care. This is a growing concern as...
Corruption EconomicsAre Illegal Migrants Entitled to Medicaid?
October 23, 2024
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have declared that illegal migrants may have access to Medicaid in a move that will cost billions. Individual state rights are coming...
PoliticsCanada’s Population Hits New High
April 2, 2024
PM Justin Trudeau’s goal of importing immigrants is going as planned. Statistics Canada reported that the nation added over 1.27 million new residents between...
CanadaLife Expectancy on the Decline in the US
March 25, 2024
The average America will not live to see 80-years of age. The average life expectancy stands around 76.4 years, according to the CDC, with women living an average...
USA Current EventsHow to Make Congress Responsible, fix Social Security & Healthcare? It’s Easy!
April 7, 2017
QUESTION: You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? ANSWER: The...
Corruption PoliticsThe Subsidized Education & Health Care Disaster
May 7, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Bernie Sanders saying education should be free? Is this socialism or doable? ANSWER:The two areas that constantly...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election North AmericaHillary Bullshits About Obamacare
March 15, 2016
My personal insurance costs under Blue Cross doubled. Absolutely everyone I have spoken to has had the same result. Here, a woman tells Clinton that the Democrats...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionObamacare Sucking up 10% of People's Income
December 27, 2015
The latest studies show that Obamacare is sucking up 10% of people’s income. This is just not sustainable long-term and may not even be sustainable...
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