Tag: herd immunity
Herd Immunity to Fear
January 12, 2022
The CDC and NIH refuse to recognize the important role that herd immunity could play in combating COVID. Yet, one thing that they failed to consider was herd...
DiseaseDid You Have Omicron Over Christmas?
January 4, 2022
Comment: The wife and I came down with om-moron-icron over Christmas, kids were fine. The family acted like it was a death sentence as we are a no vaccine home....
Disease OpinionWhen the Facts Prove You Wrong Change the Definition
November 18, 2021
The CDC is also changing definitions. This is the new scam. To pretend they are correct, they just change the definition when the facts no longer support their...
CorruptionRand Paul & Why
October 3, 2021
Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was fully vaccinated, has tested positive for COVID. Obviously, getting the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting COVID...
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