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Tag: Hillary Clinton

Did Biden Avoid Hillary Because Her Emails Were in the Hands of Wikileaks?

  Wikileaks released more documents. They seem to contain the Clinton e-mails....

Biden v Hillary

There has been no discussion whatsoever publicly by the Democrats concerning the competency of a Joe Biden administration in Washington. Biden’s competency is one...

The Plight of the Democrats – Hillary to the Rescue?

  COMMENT: I was raised a Democrat. Your forecast that the Democrats would split by 2020 which you made more than 10 years ago I did not believe at the time....

Should Hillary Have Been President?

COMMENT: You just support Trump. Hillary won the popular vote and should be in the white house. HB REPLY: You seem to think that the popular vote should pick the...

John McCain Conspired Against Trump With Hillary

COMMENT: Marty, your sources were correct when you said John McCain had conspired against Trump and was trying to help Hillary. The Inspector General Report...

Hillary & the Conspiracy of Relentless Suicides

The real test will be if Ghislaine Maxwell ends up mysteriously dead now that she has been at least seen in Los Angeles. Then the talk that Jeffrey Epstein spent...

Is Google – not Russia – Manipulating US Elections?

  COMMENT: So Democrats and Republicans both believe that Americans are too stupid to make up their own minds about who to vote for is essentially the problem....

Google Steered its Searches to Get Hillary Over 2.6 Million Votes in 2016 – More Interference than Russia

If you only watch one thing today, make it this: — Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 17, 2019   What is most interesting is...

Ken Starr Former Special Prosecutor Admits Withholding Facts on Vince Foster from Congress

Kenn Star admitted FBI agents investigating the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster learned that Hillary’s humiliation of Foster in front of...

Bill & Hillary No Longer Talk?

Edward Klein, the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor of The New York Times Magazine, has written several books about the Clintons and...