Tag: Hoarding Cash
Fleeing to the Dollar because of the Delta Variant?
July 26, 2021
In Germany, they have now determined that 40% of all cash in the system is currently being hoarded. The German press, DWN, is also reporting that “Because of...
DiseaseThe Paradox of Cash
March 25, 2021
While central banks are hard at work trying to come up with the magic bullet to kill cash and avoid having to bail out bankers again, they are faced with what has...
Gov't IncompetenceHoarding Cash
July 20, 2020
The reason there is a shortage of cash developing around the world is rather straight-forward. The trust in the government is collapsing. Italy has just lowered the...
EconomicsHoarding of Cash Doubles in Switzerland
August 17, 2015
The most valuable paper currency is the Swiss 1000 franc note. The Swiss are withdrawing money from banks and storing it at home. Sales of safes have skyrocketed...
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