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Tag: Hunt for Taxes

How a Prosecutor’s Case Collapsed in New York City and Exposed Government Corruption in the Process

One of the more fascinating examples of how the government prosecutors are looking for high profile cases to further personal careers rather than actually policing...

Bitcoin to be Declared a Financial Institution — Beware!

The risk with Bitcoin is that the government could simply change the definition of money. That is what they did to me back in 1980 because I was one of the three...

Trump & Taxation

On his website, Donald Trump’s tax plan still maintains the income tax while making it lower and simpler. All I can say is that I hope Trump remains open...

Maximum Gift One Can Give Anyone in Business is $25

The hunt for money is absolutely destroying everything. The IRS has placed a maximum on the depreciation of assets. Any high-end cars over $40,000 must be paid for...

The Insanity of the Housing Market

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s...

UBER Drivers Destroying Their Own Jobs in Court Battle

The UBER case in the Ninth Circuit (California) demonstrates that drivers’ are blinded by greed and cannot see that they are altering the entire basis of...

Are Negative Rates Fueling Deflation?

Those in power never understand markets. They are very myopic in their view of the world. The assumption that lowering interest rates will “stimulate”...

Australia Tracking Parents' Accounts by Following Children

The hunt for money is getting really aggressive, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald. They are on the verge of collapsing the economy as we get closer to 2017....

Australia Raids Home of Touted Founder of Bitcoin

The Guardian reported that Australia raided the home of Craig Wright only hours after it was shared that he may be one of the founders of the cryptocurrency...


As of January 1, 2016, Switzerland is handing over the names of everyone who has anything stored in its Swiss freeport customs warehouses. For decades, people have...