Tag: hydroxychloroquine
The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 2)
December 22, 2021
Looking further into the complaint filed with the International Criminal Court, we find additional examples of human rights abuses. PCR Tests Oxford University has...
Corruption Human Rights World EventsGates v Putin
August 23, 2020
QUESTION: Hi Marty, I am so grateful to you for your blog and what you are doing, fighting the good fight with your words of clarity! Recently, the Russians have...
DiseaseGates & Fauci – Above the Law
August 11, 2020
The left media like the Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN protect Fauci and have constantly come out against hydroxychloroquine. They insist we all must be...
Conspiracy DiseaseWhy is Fauci Not in Prison?
August 5, 2020
There is no question that Anthony Fauci has a major conflict of interest with Bill Gates. Fauci’s deliberate attack on hydroxychloroquine is relegating people...
Conspiracy DiseaseThe Media’s Conspiracy Against the People
August 4, 2020
YouTube moderators, with no medical background to even determine if what is being said is true, are censoring doctors who contradict the WHO and Bill Gates. It is...
Press TyrannyDoctors Appear in Washington To Protest Panic Created by Media Over COVID
July 28, 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=64&v=oaX8-JbaacE&feature=emb_logo Many states have directed pharmacies to refuse to honor a...
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