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Tag: Hyperinflation

Austerity vs. Hyperinflation: Which Is the Precursor to Revolution?

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I recently read an article claiming to be a case study that it was somehow the French hyperinflation that led to the revolution. It seems...

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation

The hyperinflation in Venezuela illustrates the real causes behind such events — the total collapse in the confidence of government. It is not a question of...

Greece Has Done All it Could – Final Days Approach

The Greece crisis started precisely on the turning point for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to the day from our original projection in 1985. It was just amazing to watch...

Reality of Hyperinflation – The External Alternative

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What did people really do during the German hyperinflation? It seems that all you hear about has been people running around with...