Tag: ICC
Ukraine the Origin of World War III
October 17, 2024
QUESTION #1: Why does the West hail Zelensky when I have family in Ukraine who see him as a traitor to Ukraine? Asking Turkmenistan to arrest Putin is asking them...
UkraineSquad Members Call for Netanyahu’s Arrest
May 10, 2024
The progressive “squad” members have been fueling the flames of unrest over the Israel-Palestine conflict, naturally supporting Palestine. Squad member Rep....
WarSouth Africa Offers Putin Diplomatic Immunity Ahead of BRICS Summit
May 31, 2023
The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa) alliance is stronger than ever. The 15th annual meeting will be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa, and...
War World TradeUN & ICC Now Guarantee World War III is the Only Solution
November 16, 2022
I previously reported that my sources inside the ICC would move to charge Putin with war crimes. No head of state has EVER been charged for the actions of those on...
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