Tag: ID2020
Michigan Bans Companies from Implanting Chips into Workers
July 7, 2020
The state of Michigan has introduced a bill designed to prevent employers from forcing their staff to accept microchip implants. The bill is to protect workers...
TechnologyDid John Hopkins University Deliberately Create a Financial Panic?
March 27, 2020
John Hopkins has aided in creating this panic with their graphics which gives the impression that all of Europe and China are infected. They have visually greatly...
Disease PanicsHypocrisy & Conspiracy – Manufacturing a Crisis for Political Agendas?
March 27, 2020
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, always appreciate your insight and perspective, especially during this crisis. Please help me and your audience understand why the elite,...
ConspiracyIs Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?
March 26, 2020
Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly...
Conspiracy Disease Gov't IncompetenceSomething Strange about Coronavirus Scare
March 20, 2020
Those of you who keep pushing this disease into a panic, claiming the numbers are fake and it is much worse, are being used as pawns for the ID2020. The real...
DiseaseAre They Planning ID2020 as Mandatory Implants for All as the Solution to the Crisis?
March 19, 2020
There is a very concerning proposal running around in Washington. The technology already exists for pets which is an electronic microchip or transponder. A...
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