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Tag: India

An Easier Solution for Rupee-Ruble Payments

India imported $3.3 billion in goods to Russia in 2021, and the finance ministry has no plans to slow that source of revenue. India has not placed sanctions on...

India’s Ambassador: Trudeau is an Embarrassment to Canada & India

India’s ambassador, Deepak Vohra, tears into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his blatant hypocrisy. Last year when thousands of farmers protested in Delhi,...

India into 2022

India’s Home Minister Amit Shah believes that his nation is on track to become the fastest-growing economy in 2022. India just experienced an 8.4% rise in GDP...

What’s Happening in India?

QUESTION: Marty; Your model had forecast that there would be a more serious epidemic in 2022, not 2020. Is this what is unfolding in India now? FJ ANSWER: It...

250 Million Protestors in India – Almost the Population of the United States

For centuries, India was the source of the spice trade. Christopher Columbus thought he discovered a shortcut to India but bumped into America. The various spices...

The Risk of War between Pakistan & India

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your model which forecasts the start of rising tensions between Pakistan and India for 2019 has been absolutely correct. What do you see...

India v Pakistan & the 2019/2020 Turning Point

The last time that Indian and Pakistan were at war was back in 1971. Our War Model turned up in 1964 and indeed it marked the beginning of the US Vietnam War. In...

India is the Guinea Pig for Electronic Money

QUESTION: Dear Marty, What could be the true intentions of Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi in India cancelling the currency overnight. I have been...

2017 is Looking More Optimistic Than Ever

The only thing about international trade is that someone cannot have a trade surplus without another experiencing a trade deficit. We all cannot have trade...

Clarification on India’s Gold Confiscation

To make it clear, India is not going door to door to confiscate gold any more than FDR did. The reason so many $20 gold coins have survived is because there was no...