Tag: Indonesia
The New G8
June 16, 2022
Russia has created a new alliance that many are calling the “new G8.” Russia was expelled from the original Group of Eight in March 2014, following the...
Politics World TradeVaccine Jockeys
January 11, 2022
People will always find a way to bypass the law. The tyrannical vaccine mandates have paved the way for a new career niche: vaccine jockeys. Those desperate to...
Corruption DiseaseIndonesia Riots Over New Laws
October 2, 2019
The contagion of discontent exists. I have studied this interesting phenomenon from ancient times to the present. We have witnessed massive rioting in Hong Kong and...
Civil UnrestIndonesia’s Peat Fires Exceed Emissions from the Entire U.S. Economy
October 29, 2015
Greenhouse gas emissions that are coming out of the peat fires in Borneo and Sumatra have now exceeded all the emissions from the entire U.S. economy. This is the...
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