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Tag: Inflation Reduction Act

US National Debt Reaches Historic High

The US national debt has reached a historic high under Biden after surpassing $31 trillion. The national debt has always been chaotic as politicians push spending...

CBO Confirms Inflation Reduction Act Will Target Everyone

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) conducted a study that proves claims that the middle class will not face tax increases under the Inflation Reduction Act are...

The Inflation Reduction Act – A Change We Don’t Believe In

President Biden agreed to waste billions on the Democrat-supported Inflation Reduction Act. According to a survey of 1,500 Americans as presented by the Epoch...

The Biden Administration Urges Struggling Families to Buy Solar Panels

Similar to Pete Buttigieg’s braindead suggestion to simply buy an electric vehicle to combat energy inflation, the White House is now offering another solution...

Democrats are the Enemy of the Middle Class

Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act this Tuesday, wasting $437 billion of taxpayers’ dollars. “I’m keeping my campaign commitment. No one —...

IRS Agents Training to Raid Homes

The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents...

The Inflation Reduction Act is “Orwellian”

Experts have stated that the Inflation Reduction Act will not reduce inflation in any meaningful way. So why is the White House spending $739 billion on this failed...

The IRS Targets the Poorest Americans

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claims that they will not target lower and middle-class Americans under their staff expansion. This is a lie a they already...

IRS Staff and Audits Will Multiply

The Inflation Reduction Act will waste $430 billion and will do absolutely nothing to curb inflation. Around $300 billion will be spent on climate change...