Tag: Innovation
It’s About Accomplishment – Not Money
March 8, 2024
QUESTION: The rumor going around is that Bill Gates is trying to buy your company for $10 billion. My reply was if so, I doubt Marty would ever sell to him. Would...
AI ComputersThe Bright Future
September 24, 2021
We have a group of geriatric people 80+ attempting to seize the world and rush this Fourth Industrial Revolution, probably in hopes of rapidly advancing medicine to...
Understanding CyclesMathematics & Dark Age
November 8, 2015
We tend to judge far too much by our own times. What cannot be overlooked is the lack of mathematics following the Dark Ages. When numbers were Roman numerals,...
Basic ConceptsIt is Interesting How People Define Labor as Communistic
September 7, 2015
It is fascinating how some people interpret “total productive capacity” as only brute labor and thus, communistic. This becomes their argument for...
Basic ConceptsBlog Alerts
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