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Tag: Interest Rates


COMMENT: Marty, I want to thank you so much for the WEC. Perhaps you will consider doing one that is streamed in the middle of this craziness. I have listened to...

The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism

QUESTION: Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011. ****Important question for Martin, please...

Eurozone Inflation and ECB Incompetence

According to Eurostat, the European Union statistics company, inflation in Europe rose to a new all-time high in March after advancing by 7.5%. This surpassed the...

Inflation Reaches 40-Year High at 7.5%

The price of living in America is completely unsustainable. Inflation soared in January by 7.5%, marking the fastest pace of price gains since February 1982 when...

China’s President Xi Begs the Fed Not to Ease Rates

Chinese President Xi Jinping has a request for Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell — do not raise interest rates. “If major economies slam on the brakes or...

World War III in Financial Markets Begins

As I mentioned on the Private Blog yesterday, the Federal Reserve declared World War III in the financial markets as the European Central Bank (ECB) was on its...

Eurozone Inflation at a Record High

Inflation in the doomed Eurozone increased 4.9% in November, marking the highest level of inflation since the creation of the euro. The larger economies within the...

Powell on the “Economic Exit from the Pandemic”

At last, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has begun speaking independently as he departs from the Biden agenda. Former President Trump and Powell notoriously...

The ECB is the Reason We Have the Great Reset

The European Central Bank (ECB) has kept its monetary policy unchanged. However, it did slow down the pace of net asset purchases under its pandemic emergency...

When Inflation is really Deflation

QUESTION: Why is the Fed doing so much Reverse Repo? Do you think it will hit $2 trillion? JE ANSWER: I understand that people seem to be talking up the reverse...