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Tag: Interest Rates

The Coming Crisis – What to Watch?

QUESTION: Dear Martin – We owe your respect for what you are doing and I wanna say thanks for educating your followers like me. With the issue of this growing...

Banks – Interest Rates – Mortgages

COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from...

Can Central Banks Ever Control Long-Term Rates?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that central banks can only control short-term rates not long-term. Do you see a scenario where they could control the long-term rates?...

Repo Crisis for Year-End

  The Repo Crisis for year-end has had the Fed pumping in a staggering amount of about $234 billion into the repo markets. They are exchanging high-quality...

Why the Fed Is Not Lowering Rates

  COMMENT: Thanks so much for your explanation of the Repo Crisis which is now self-evident that the Fed has reversed course and did not cut rates. You are...

QE v Managing Benchmark Rates

QUESTION: The Fed buying $60 billion in T-Bills each month is obviously not long-term QE. They are expanding their balance sheet, but this is clearly not the QE as...

The Repo Crisis

QUESTION: Marty; The goldbugs are back and claiming the Repo Crisis is MMT and this is again just printing money endlessly to cover up a major banking crisis in the...

Fed Cuts Rates 25 basis Points

The Federal Reserve, as expected, cut rates a quarter-point. The Fed also warned that further moves to ease interest rate policy may be coming to an end. The rate...

Central Banks Pre & Post-1971

QUESTION: You commented that the central banks had a difficult position when they were on the gold standard compared to post-1971. Could you explain that...

Trump on Interest Rates -OMG!

I have said this many times, when it comes to understanding interest rates Trump is speaking the standard mantra that people apply when it comes to interest rates....