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Tag: Interest Rates

Our Flawed Monetary System & Why it is Doomed

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years? JY ANSWER: In addition to not having a...

World Economy – Which End is Up?

QUESTION: Hey Martin First of all, great work with the new Socrates. Thank you very much for getting it to us. You have said that rates are exploding with fed...

Peak in Investment Grade Corporate Debt Matures by 2021

We have a very interesting crisis building in addition to the political chaos we see coming in 2020. By the time we reach 2021, we will have over $2 trillion in...


QUESTION:Dear Martin: Do you have any concerns for the equity markets from the upcoming conversion from Libor to SOFR (the secured overnight financing rate). A...

Are Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?

QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their...

Euro Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have obviously been correct on the Euro. You even called the bounce but it stopped at 1.2550 and did not reach your ideal target of...

Coming Crisis: Emerging Market Debt

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Just to clarify, a continued rate hike in dollars will send Emerging Market debt into chaos and possibly default. Is this both public and...

Denmark Central Warns Next Financial Crisis is Coming

The Danish Central Bank has come out to warn that there is another financial crisis ahead. The central bank identified several indicators that point to growing...

ECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern History

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the...

New Argument to Raise Rates – Rent Inflation!

There are those in the Fed who are desperate to find an excuse to raise interest rates. The one being bantered about is the Fed needs to raise rates to help the...