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Tag: Invisible Hand

Milton Friedman Explains Why Stakeholder Capitalism Fails

What brought thousands of people together to create something as simple as a pencil? Some may be familiar with the late economist Milton Friedman’s popular...

Armstrong v Schwab

While Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 WEC in Rome, he said he came because our events were the “alternative to Davos.” For years Schwab and I have been...

The Interview That Killed the Anti-Work Movement

The massive anti-work movement sparked by the popular subreddit imploded after Jesse Watters from Fox News interviewed a moderator named Doreen. Doreen destroyed...

Europe’s COVID Lost Decade

Europe faces a Covid Lost Decade economically inspired by Kalus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. As purely academics who never walk among the great unwashed,...

Why & When Will the West Crash & Burn?

COMMENT: Hello Martin Thank you for your reply when I asked about your reports for the individual country analysis. Yes, it would seem that the Marxist agenda is in...

The Euro & Digitizing the Currency

QUESTION: Marty, for the people within the EU it is absolutely critical to know what will happen when they go digital! Will there be a currency devaluation for bank...

Is Impeachment Always Political and Should it be Prevented?

COMMENT: I don’t believe your ECM and when the Republicans impeached Clinton this is just payback which is well deserved. They should shut your site down....

Claude Frédéric Bastiat – The Father of Libertarianism

Claude Frédéric Bastiat (b. 1801-1850) was a French, classical liberal theorist, political economist, Freemason, and member of the French National Assembly whose...

What Is the Strength of the Dollar? Its People, Military, or Commodities?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, so many of these goldbugs really hate the dollar and they argue that since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar’s...

Mainstream vs. Austrian Economics

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe the difference between the Austrian school of economics and mainstream economics is that mainstream economists believe...