Within the American Rescue Plan was a piece of legislation requiring Americans to report any transactions they made over $600. The most recent budget negotiation...
We cannot let our national security be undermined in an attempt to weaken our efforts to modernize the IRS – efforts which reduce the deficit, improve customer...
Biden’s IRS army of 87,000 new armed recruits is coming under fire by the Republican party. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Jon Thune (R-SD) are working on...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continually makes multi-billion-dollar mistakes. The agency “accidentally” sent $1.1 billion in advanced child tax credits to...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) conducted a study that proves claims that the middle class will not face tax increases under the Inflation Reduction Act are...
The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claims that they will not target lower and middle-class Americans under their staff expansion. This is a lie a they already...
The enhanced police state is turning tax accountants into the Gestapo. The IRS was forced to remove its job description after creating a buzz across the internet....
The Inflation Reduction Act will waste $430 billion and will do absolutely nothing to curb inflation. Around $300 billion will be spent on climate change...
The Treasury Department has warned that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may face “enormous challenges” processing returns this year. The IRS usually...