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Tag: IRS

The IRS Can Deny You A Passport?

  QUESTION: You said that if you owe taxes the government can deny you a passport? I never heard that one. ANSWER: Oh yes. This has been in place for several...

Socialism Contradicts Freedom of Religion – Why Amish do not Pay Social Security Taxes

In 1935, Roosevelt introduced “The Social Security Act” which passed Congress. However, the act was described “Old Age, Survivors, and Disability...

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am familiar with the case of Robert Kahre who eventually lost a battle with the IRS for paying his employees in $20 gold pieces to avoid...

Why Taxes MUST be Eliminated

The Guardian has obtained documents showing that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now listening to people’s phone calls. This has to do with money...

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave,...

Taxman Demands Sex or Threatens to Shut Woman’s Business Down

An IRS Agent was arrested by police for threatening to close a woman’s business unless she had sex with him. The IRS Agent, Samuel Garza, showed up at the...