Tag: ISIS Paris Attack
War & Putting It All Together
November 29, 2015
COMMENT: You forecasted a world war. What my generation only looks back at through a historical looking glass in an attempt to isolate the starting events of...
World Events"Cry 'Havoc !' and Let Slip the Dogs of War"
November 29, 2015
COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; I am a reformed goldbug who was naive to put it mildly but my wife called it stupidity. You have been correct and they have been wrong but...
Ancient Economies World EventsThe Siege of Paris
November 15, 2015
“ISIS is not Islam” is the message coming from the Muslin community. Terrorism cannot possibly have any religion for God has proclaimed “thou...
World EventsSiege of Paris Is the Same Group as the Charlie Hebdo Attack
November 14, 2015
The siege of Paris on November 13, 2015, appears to be the same group inside France. The reason we say this is because they are acting in a cyclical manner and each...
World EventsParis Under Siege – Borders Shutting Down
November 13, 2015
Our sources in Paris have said that the city is under siege with about 150 people dead. Hollande closed the borders and there have been secret meetings taking place...
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