Tag: Johnson & Johnson
CDC Quietly Recalls all Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccines in US
May 18, 2023
This should have made headlines across the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly told the US government to destroy all available...
DiseaseJohnson & Johnson Vaccine Recall
May 9, 2022
The FDA has finally admitted what we knew all along – the vaccine is not safe. The FDA said it is limiting the availability of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19...
VaccineUS Loses $1 Trillion Annually on Opiate Crisis
February 10, 2022
Big Pharma kills more people in America every year than firearms and car accidents; legal pill pushers have claimed more lives than COVID. The number of overdose...
Corruption DiseaseThe CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?
August 8, 2021
Zuckerberg is a very dangerous adolescent who has clearly not grown up. Personally, I would never own a single share of Facebook when its management is just so...
BigTechFactCheck.org is a Fraud & Possible Criminal Organization
June 18, 2021
It turns out that not only do they engage in FAKE NEWS, but they employ the internet in every possible way to falsely deprive the people of the truth. Wikipedia is...
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